Yogis Anonymous

Quads Going On


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Published on October 12, 2022

Need an energy-shifter? Grab your mat and let's go! We start with a moment of grounding and breathing and then we're off! Spinal mobility, cat-cows, lion's breath, shoulder opening, standing balance, hip and hamstring opening, core strengthening, arm balancing, back-bending and lots of love for those quads! This is the Wild Card Monday class and you are always invited to join me live at noon PST over zoom. I send the link out in the newsletter each week. I LOVE seeing y'all in real time, getting to chat after class and meet your dogs, cats, goldfish and an occasional foul-mouthed parrot! Plus your other humans. Local yogis are also invited (you'll see various body parts of Bob's in and out of frame if you look carefully ;)) Enjoy, yogis!

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