Yogis Anonymous

Lauren Peterson

Lauren Peterson is a well-respected yoga instructor living and teaching in Malibu California. She has been practicing yoga for over 20 years, and teaching since 1992. She had the privilege to study with, and assist, Chuck Miller for over 10 years. Chuck taught her through fourth series in the ashtanga yoga system. She is also playing with the first few poses of fifth series as shown to her by Richard Freeman.

Lauren has been featured in the television series Healing Quest, and in Yoga Journal Magazine, for the yoga program she started at the Monte Nido Eating Disorders Center for women struggling with eating disorders. As a model she is in magazines, calendars and in "Yoga", a Yoga Journal book by Linda Sparrowe.

Lauren is the creator of "The Yogi's Companion", a yoga practice CD, which was chosen "Editor's Choice" by "Yoga Journal Magazine". Along with her group and private classes, she teaches yoga workshops worldwide.

Lauren's Latest Classes

  • 53 minutes

    Set Your Inner Compass

    By Lauren Peterson on Feb 17, 2025

    Vinyasa Flow Advanced

    Hello yogis! Join Lauren for an energizing flow with lots of love for the hips, hamstrings and shoulders, twists and turns, core strengthening, fun explorations of marichyasana, compass pose, and eight angle pose, drop-backs and jump-throughs if you want them, and a very sweet Savasana. Two blocks may be helpful. Enjoy!

  • 54 minutes

    Flow to Center

    By Lauren Peterson on Jan 31, 2025

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    This is an intermediate-to-advanced flow where you can dial things up or down based on your level, and what feels right today. Emphasis is on core strength, and we'll start out on the floor with a block, and feel our way right into that center! Once we're on our feet, you can expect lots of opportunities to play with balance and flexibility, and plenty of front and back-body opening so that you walk away from your mat feeling centered and balanced and ready for whatever comes your way. Give yourself this time to be right where you are, strong in your center, breathing. Enjoy, yogis! 2 blocks and a strap might be helpful, one block is necessary :)

  • 60 minutes

    Overall Strength + Stretch

    By Lauren Peterson on Jan 9, 2025

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    We start slow, then flow. Lots of stretching, strength, standing poses with an emphasis on hips and sacrum. Enjoy eagle and cow faced pose. Finish up with backbends, an inversion, and twists.

  • 60 minutes

    Strength and Balance

    By Lauren Peterson on May 26, 2024

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    This is a balanced practice, with flow. We start slowly, stretching and engaging in core work. Emphasis on the hips and inner groins. Once on our feet we move into sun salutations, incorporating standing poses and twists. I sprinkle in side arm balance and half moon pose, to challenge strength and balance. We finish with backbends and the option for shoulder stand or a modified inversion, before savasana. Enjoy! Lauren

  • 69 minutes

    Hamstrings and Hips

    By Lauren Peterson on Apr 15, 2024

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    We start on our backs with some hamstring warm ups and core work. We continue the hamstring stretches, adding inner groins and IT Band. Next we have some twists and quad stretches before getting on our feet for standing poses and flow. We finish with backbends and inversions. An all around stretchy string class. Enjoy!

  • 66 minutes

    Strength and Balance

    By Lauren Peterson on Jan 7, 2024

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    This practice starts slowly on our backs with a combination of stretches for the hamstrings, IT Band and core strengtheners. We transition to our hands and feet with sun salutations, standing poses and balancing poses, including dancer's pose and half moon pose. We finish practice with backbends and an inversion before savasana. Enjoy!

  • 79 minutes

    Hips and Core

    By Lauren Peterson on Nov 13, 2023

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    We start chilling in Reclined Bound Angle pose on blocks. The class gradually picks up steam with twists, core work, standing poses and sun salutations. We add more hips, side plank and some balance poses. You are sure to get a full, balanced practice. Enjoy!

  • 64 minutes

    Super Centered Flow

    By Lauren Peterson on Sep 18, 2023

    Vinyasa Flow Advanced

    The focus of this flow class is the core and twists. We do some stretching and strengthening on the floor, moving up to the feet. Once standing we do a few rounds of Uddiyana Bandha, a navel lock. This is great for discovering and toning the core. Next we flow with some sun salutations, a bit more core work and standing poses. We breathe our way toward some arm balances as an extension of base poses. Even if you don't get up in bakasana or revolved koundinyasana, you will be setting the foundation for them with squats and twists. Enjoy!

  • 40 minutes


    By Lauren Peterson on Aug 5, 2023

    Restorative Beginner

    This slow, deep practice helps stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, aiding in sleep, digestion and stress relief. Please have a bolster on hand. You can use a firm pillow or a blanket rolled up like a sleeping bag. You might also use 1-3 blocks, depending on your flexibility. Enjoy some time to slow down and tune in, your body will thank you!

  • 51 minutes

    Bendy Flow with Core

    By Lauren Peterson on Jun 21, 2023

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    We start with a wide-legged forward bend, and ease into the hamstrings, hips, inner groins and the IT Band. We add some sun salutations, standing poses, core work and the option of an arm balance. Now all heated up and pliable we go into some backbends and cool down with and inversion before savasana. Enjoy!

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