I could tell you a lot of things about me, but probably the most important thing I can share with you is that I feel really at ease in my own skin, and it wasn't always like that. I've been practicing yoga since my senior year at Barnard College. I used to struggle with anxiety, depression, debilitating migraines and body image issues. I used to be attracted to people who couldn't love me in a way that felt good. I used to be attached to stories about how things should be, or how people should behave or what other people should do, say, want, need or feel. Life is not like that anymore. Yoga is not a magic bullet, it's a process of discovering what is really true about you, and a letting go of anything that isn't. It's an art form that teaches you how to listen deeply not just to your own intuition, but to the people in your life, without gripping the steering wheel with your sticky fingers, white-knuckling your way through it all. It's an acceptance of the impermanence of everything, in a way that inspires you to live each day fully and to love with your whole heart. Not everything in my life is perfect. I have faced some real heartbreak along the way, as we all have. I've lived enough and seen enough to know better than to use phrases like, "everything happens for a reason." Some things just happen, and our job is to rise up and grow beauty from whatever it is life puts in our path, and sometimes that is really, really hard. Everything good, real and true in my life, everything that flows and is fulfilling and rewarding comes directly out of my yoga practice, and it is one of my greatest joys to share the tools, ideas and practices that have helped me create a life I love. I'm a mom with two kids and an amazing husband. This site is my third child, and I'm thrilled you've joined me and this incredible group of teachers I'm so privileged to know and share with you. Every teacher on this site is passionate, down-to-earth and committed to her and his yoga practice. Everyone here wants to share, support you and inspire you to keep unrolling your mat, even on the days when it's tough. Especially on those days! If you like some reading along with your asana practice, I've written two books, "Open Randomly: Fortune Cookies for the Soul" and "Yoga's Healing Power: Looking Inward for Change, Growth and Peace", both available on Amazon, Book Depository, and wherever books are sold. If things go well, my third book will be finished soon. I'm very hands-on with the site, and if you have any questions, need some guidance, or simply want to connect with me, please reach out!
If you're looking for a fun, let's get right to it flow with a focus on core strength, hip opening, and some fun hip and core centered arm balances, look no further :) We play with koundinyasana 2 and eight angle pose, and I break them down so everyone has a way to approach. Part of every arm balance and inversion is core strength and upper body strength, but you also have to understand the relationship between counter-balance and your center of gravity. Ready to play, sweat, breathe and feel great in 44 minutes? LFG!!
Sometimes it's a struggle to get to your mat and you can almost talk yourself out of it, but 9 times out of 10 if you just start moving, you'll be so happy you did! This is a flow for those days - days when you aren't sure you have the energy but know you'll feel better if you do your yoga! This is an all-over, feel-good flow where we open the shoulders, hips and hamstrings, fire up the core, play with side plank and tripod headstand - both with advanced variations if you're ready- and always with reminders to breathe deeply. You'll end up in a sweet savasana thanking yourself for practicing! Ready? LFG!! You may want a block, you may not need one :)
Need a shorter practice but want it all? I feel you! This is a full-body flow with lots of deep breathing and hip, hamstring and shoulder-opening. Core strengthening - but of course - a little arm balancing, back-bending and some deep stretching before savasana. Walk away from your mat feeling grounded, with a quiet mind, open heart, and free flow of breath and energy. Guaranteed goodness, enjoy yogis! A couple of blocks may be helpful if you need them to "lift the floor up" :)
Do you need some serious nervous system decompression and a really deep stretch? Well, look no further because that's what we're doing in this session that is all about hip, hamstring and shoulder opening along with conscious breath and moment-to-moment curiosity about sensation. You may want props - a blanket for some of the hip and hamstring opening, a strap if you want to use it for bound angle in savanna, and a couple of blocks in case you need to "lift the floor up" - but you may not need them. This is a great practice for evening, before bed, or anytime you want to get really grounded.
The more you breathe, the better you're going to feel. That is the focus in this sweaty, heat-building, core-strengthening, arm-balancing and mindful flow where we get upside down, open everything up and play with lots of fun poses like lotus if that's approachable for you, firefly pose and bhujapidasana, crow pose, tripod headstand, handstand and more. This is an all-over feel good flow with an emphasis on hip-opening and focus. Enjoy! (2 blocks may be helpful, along with a bolster or firm couch pillow :))
This is a practice for times you're dealing with lower-body injuries, such as a broken ankle or toe and need a practice where you will sweet and breathe, but stay off your feet! It's also a great practice when you're looking for a little targeted yoga sculpt, even if you aren't injured. The heat building happens in the upper body with multiple cat-cow variations, cobra push-ups on our knees, and the addition of light weights (a soup can or water bottle will do), along with core work on the back. We use the heat to open the shoulders, chest, upper back, hips and hamstrings. Dealing with injuries can be frustrating, or you can use it as a chance to get creative :)
Well hello there! I filmed this class for y'all and filmed it live on the YA Practice Page at the same time, so welcome to a little behind-the-scenes fun :) This is a 30-minute hips-and-core flow by request! (It's actually 37 minutes, but I promise it is 37 minutes PACKED full of hip-opening, heat-building, core-strengthening, arm-balancing FUN, with requests from Paige, Katie and Andy that made it that much better!) You might want 2 blocks, and you might like a strap, too! Savasana will be sweet, I promise. Enjoy, yogis!
Hello friends, this is an hour-long deep chill, deep stretch session for days (or evenings) when you need a nervous system reset and some serious opening. We start with grounding and alternate nostril breathing, warm up the spine, and strengthen the core just enough that we're feeling centered. Then it's all about deep breathing, deep stretching and long holds so the muscle and fascia around the joints can start to release. You can feel the layers of tension melt away as you breathe. Stay focused and curious and I guarantee you'll have a deep and meaningful practice. 2 blocks, a bolster, a blanket and a strap may come in handy or you might not need any props at all.
Join me for a full-body awakening flow with some fun twists and turns so you can practice for them off the mat as well ;) Plenty of hip, hamstring and shoulder opening along with core strengthening so we can play with arm balances like koundinyasana 1 and dwi pada, and inversions including tripod headstand and handstand variations. The theme is listening to your body and your intuition, the best guides when you're dealing with twists and turns!
If you're looking for a delicious all-over feel-good flow, you've come to the right place. Lots of shoulder, hip, hamstring and heart-opening along with core strengthening and time to play upside down. Long holds in pigeon and variations on pigeon, and a nice wide straddle forward fold. Deep, mindful breath and movement to soothe what ails you, and a very sweet savasana to send you gliding into your day.
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