Yogis Anonymous

Funky Core Flow


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Published on February 8, 2016

This class will challenge you--body, mind and core as we explore "funky" versions of popular poses. Poses to be explored: Funky Forearm plank, funky headstand, funky one legged crow, funky tabletop, funky astavakrasana and funky pincha. We will explore what it means to "hug the midline" with plenty of leg lifts holding the block and some "tripod push-ups holding the block" to find and engage our back and tricep muscles. Also included are crow, tripod headstand, and one of my favorite stretches ever, compass pose! Finally, we will end with a bridge, a couple of rounds of wheel pose, a supine twist, paschimottanasana , Baddha Konasana and Savasana.

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