Forearm Stand
Feathered Peacock Pose Pincha Mayurasana
This is a beautiful inversion that requires core and shoulder strength. Learn the signs to determine whether you're ready for this pose, and if so, take flight!
This is a beautiful inversion that requires core and shoulder strength. Learn the signs to determine whether you're ready for this pose, and if so, take flight!
Here are some classes featuring Feathered Peacock Pose.
By Kate Duyn on Jan 24, 2025
The mythology goes that the peacock is one of the only predators of the cobra, because it can digest its poison. Metaphorically speaking, if you know you can handle something no matter how intimidating or confrontational, there's no need to be afraid. This practice peaks in peacock pose, but peacock pose is not recommended if you are dealing with wrist injuries, or if you're pregnant! Please pick another class for today if that's you. Peacock pose requires balance, focus, and strength, it can aid digestion, and it strengthens the core, arms, chest, shoulders, thighs and wrists. Enjoy, yogis!
By Angela Kukhahn on May 21, 2020
Quick and Tasty flow when you are short on time, but are craving some juicy core and upside down time. We will warm up with corework in plank, move on to upper back opening, sun salutes to build heat and even sprinkle in some Pincha! Enjoy!
By Kate Duyn on Nov 15, 2019
Santosha, or contentment, is one of the Niyamas (observances) described in the Sutras of Patanjali and can be a difficult one to work with. Some of the shapes we explore in this practice (and many of the situations we find ourselves in throughout life) may bring up big feelings. Use this time on the mat to breathe through and be with what comes up.Maha moments include Marichyasana variations, Eka Pada Bakasana, and a Hollowback Pincha variation at the wall.
By Melvin Ramsey on Nov 15, 2019
This practice is all about flowing, breathing and building strength to get into Peacock pose. Did you know peacocks can fly despite their very long tails? If they can do it, so can you! We just need to strengthen the core and the back body, and prep the shoulders and chest (sorry about the underwater sounds during locust pose, I crushed the mic but now we have a very cool headset!) Happy to meet you all, my name is Melvin!
By Angela Kukhahn on Oct 31, 2019
Expect a strong challenge for your core! You will be shaking, sweating and getting stronger in the first 10 minutes of class! Here is what else you can look forward to and how the class is laid out: Shoulder opener, down dog, uttanasana, plank with knee-to-elbow, chapasana in side plank, Forearm side plank with chapasana, serratus pushups in forearm plank, Dolphin shifts, Pincha, Sun Salutation A, Navasana, Handstand from standing splits, Tabletop, Warrior 1 with hands interlaced, Standing splits variation, Side Crow, low lunge, flip dog, wheel pose and much more! Enjoy!
By Kate Duyn on Jun 20, 2019
Warm your way up through the chakra system with a sequence of Kundalini inspired exercises. Chakra means wheel or spinning disc in Sanskrit, and healthy functioning wheels are designed to spin! Grease your wheels and get them turning in this energizing practice that steers you straight into the center of the hub so you can find greater freedom of movement and brightness of being.
By Angela Kukhahn on Apr 5, 2019
In this 59 minute class we will give your hamstrings the treatment they deserve! We will begin with a long uttanasana, then move onto a toe/fascia stretch, followed by Surya A, low lunge, half hanuman, abs strengthening, crow, pyramid pose, Warrior 3, prasarita variations, optional work on Tripod headstand, Pincha and press handstand, toe taps, twisted triangle, Triangle, Half Moon, side plank, full vasisthasana and much, much more! Enjoy!
By Angela Kukhahn on Feb 1, 2019
This is the go-to class for strong yogis who want to learn how to do deeper backbends without pain. Learn how to open your thoracic spine, support your lower back and find support through intelligent work with your core and legs! What to expect: We will warm up with gentle backbends and Surya Namaskaras to start to build heat and open up the front body. We will open the quads, shoulders and psoas and then work on our Pincha Scorpion and King Pigeon Pose and variations. Later we move to the wall for handstand scorpion as well as a thorough explanation of correct form in full wheel pose with the help of your blocks, strap and the wall. Enjoy!
By Kate Duyn on Dec 29, 2018
Nadi Shodhana pranayama starts the practice with a focus on awakening the Ajna, or 3rd Eye at the brow point. Many of the postures are held for longer periods of time with the eyes closed to cultivate a state of inward balance and centeredness. Once thoroughly aligned we'll take a moment experimenting with the balance in "Toppling Tree Pose" - a variation of Standing Splits. Juicy hip and shoulder opening prep us properly for Pincha Mayurasana variations, including one with a hollow-back & eagle legs, or a straight up Scorpion pose. Conclude the practice with a meditation on the winged eye, the symbol of the Ajna Chakra to help you see the unseen.
By Kate Duyn on Jun 27, 2018
This one really is all about dat block, and you'll explore using it in inventive and creative ways to prep for Mayurasana, or Peacock Pose. It's slow, methodical, and definitely a little intense!