Pre/Post Natal
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Published on April 30, 2012
Open your Hips. Stabilize Your Pelvic Floor. Feeling tweaky in your low back? Grab two blocks and get started. Our theme today is creating inner and outerbalance through opening up our hips and stabilizing the pelvic floor.Too often, a pre and post natal mom experiences tweakiness in herpelvis and low back: this is partially the result of relaxin, whosejob is to loosen up the pelvis so as to prepare the body for birth. Ifwe want to feel good and avoid back pain, it is important to learn howto open up the hips safely. To do this, we must stabilize the pelvicfloor through engaging our outer hip muscles, while extending andlengthening our tailbone. Get ready to feel fantastic! Our breathpractice focuses on creating balance between the sympathetic andparasympathetic nervous system. Our meditation teaches us how tosafely face our fears and release them.