Yogis Anonymous

Courtney Harms

Courtney is a California native and experienced yoga teacher based in Venice Beach, California. Courtney began practicing yoga in 2003 to heal her body from years of competitive track, dance, soccer and gymnastics. After falling in love with the practice, she enrolled in her first yoga teacher training in 2006 at Yoga Works in Santa Monica, California with the inspirational Annie Carpenter and James Brown. Later that year, Courtney continued her education completing the Yoga Ed.certification and in 2007, wanting to explore the practice more in depth, she began the Yoga Works Professional Program under mentor, Jasmine Lieb. Upon completion of the program she became a 500 hour Yoga Alliance registered yoga teacher and later in 2009, Yoga Works Certified. Courtney is most influenced by Vinyasa yoga as well as by her love of yoga therapeutics, Kundalini yoga and dance. Every class incorporates knowledge, spirit, and a sense of humor with the intention of sharing her passion for yoga. In addition to teaching yoga, Courtney is a personal trainer and a seasoned dance and gymnastics instructor. She received her Bachelor of Arts in 2002 from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Courtney's Latest Classes

  • 16 minutes

    Short, Sweet + Chill

    By Courtney Harms on Mar 5, 2025

    Gentle Yoga Beginner

    A perfect practice when you're short on time and really need some grounding, nervous system regulation, conscious breath, gentle movement to open the hips, hamstrings and shoulders, a little alternate nostril breathing, and the chance to chill, deeply. A blanket may be helpful for your seated forward bend.

  • 17 minutes

    Short, Sweet + Strong

    By Courtney Harms on Dec 23, 2024

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    A short, sweet, and strong practice for when you're really short on time, but want to reset physically and mentally. Breathe, strengthen and recharge now!

  • 57 minutes

    Pick Your Battles

    By Courtney Harms on Sep 3, 2024

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    A full body yoga flow including lots of twists and balancing postures. This sequence encourages us to be in the here and now with the breath and the moment, helping us to pick our battles more wisely.

  • 29 minutes

    No Chaturanga, No Problem

    By Courtney Harms on May 13, 2024

    Hatha Intermediate

    Enjoy this short, sweet yoga flow free of any chaturangas! Move, breathe and sweat with me in a way that doesn’t aggravate existing joint issues.

  • 48 minutes

    Spring Forward Flow

    By Courtney Harms on Mar 16, 2024

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    We will breathe deeply, twist safely and allow our bodies to release the stagnant stuff that holds us back so we can move forward with the change of the seasons.

  • 37 minutes

    Breathwork & Balancing Poses

    By Courtney Harms on Nov 13, 2023

    Vinyasa Flow Beginner

    A slow flow-style practice with emphasis on breathing exercises and balancing postures. You will leave feeling more grounded and connected. This practice is appropriate for almost all yogis.

  • 55 minutes

    Greatest Hits Yoga Flow

    By Courtney Harms on Oct 27, 2023

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    This flow practice offers some of my favorite asanas that help us to really feel the balance of effort and ease in the practice. Challenge your entire body while focusing your mind, and experience grounding on a deeper level.

  • 31 minutes

    Yoga to Cool and Calm

    By Courtney Harms on Jul 23, 2023

    Gentle Yoga Beginner

    A short, sweet practice to help you regulate your nervous system and cool your physical body when you need it most. A great class for summer time, during a heatwave or when you just need to chill out.

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