Yogis Anonymous

Twists + Turns


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Published on January 13, 2022

Well, dang, aren't we dealing with endless twists and turns?!I KNOW it's hard but you know what helps? This! Get on your mat and strengthen your center so that whatever twists and turns are ahead, you're ready for them! You can count on lots of love for your hamstrings, hips and shoulders, core strengthening, and twisty arm balances including eka pada koundinyasana 1 and side crow. Tripod headstand and handstand variations and all kinds of fun. You realize we're getting through it don't you? We're not "going" to get through it, we are currently getting through it. It might not be pretty every minute, but we're doing it, and the more you practice for it, the easier it is! Grab your mat and let's do this together :)

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