Yogis Anonymous

Playful Backbend Flow


Preview: Playful Backbend Flow

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Published on October 11, 2023

Intermediate yogis welcome and encouraged, just please pick the options that make sense for you along the way and always listen to your body! This is a playful backbend flow that will leave you feeling open and energized! We build lots of heat and open the hips, hamstrings, quadriceps, shoulders, chest and upper back so you are all set to explore some deeper backbends! If you're comfortable on your hands, we will incorporate backbends into our inversion practice (if not, I will give you tons of building blocks to work on). You can expect handstand and forearm stand with options to work at the wall. We will play with scorpion pose (again, I will show you how to approach at the wall if you're starting this exploration) and stag pose. Savasana is guaranteed to be sweet!

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