Yogis Anonymous

Let's Get Deep


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Published on October 7, 2023

Hello friends! This is a classic 90-minute practice with Yoga Nidra in savasana. If you're looking for a deep dive, you've found it. We do lots of shoulder, hip and hamstring opening, as well as the upper back and chest -no stone is left unturned. Once we're nice and warm we'll spend some time playing with inversions. As ever, I will give you tons of options so if you aren't comfortable on your hands or on your head, I'll give you some building blocks to play with! I do break down traditional headstand and how to lift (not kick! please don't kick your legs up into headstand) your legs up, which is what we want. But even if you don't want to go upside down today, this is a deep and thorough practice and I hope you enjoy.

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