Headstand Sirsasana
Headstand, broken down! If this pose is new to you, please take one of our longer tutorials so you can learn the fundamentals and make sure you're ready!
Headstand, broken down! If this pose is new to you, please take one of our longer tutorials so you can learn the fundamentals and make sure you're ready!
Here are some classes featuring Headstand.
By Ally Hamilton on Aug 5, 2024
Sometimes it's a struggle to get to your mat and you can almost talk yourself out of it, but 9 times out of 10 if you just start moving, you'll be so happy you did! This is a flow for those days - days when you aren't sure you have the energy but know you'll feel better if you do your yoga! This is an all-over, feel-good flow where we open the shoulders, hips and hamstrings, fire up the core, play with side plank and tripod headstand - both with advanced variations if you're ready- and always with reminders to breathe deeply. You'll end up in a sweet savasana thanking yourself for practicing! Ready? LFG!! You may want a block, you may not need one :)
By Ally Hamilton on Jun 17, 2024
The more you breathe, the better you're going to feel. That is the focus in this sweaty, heat-building, core-strengthening, arm-balancing and mindful flow where we get upside down, open everything up and play with lots of fun poses like lotus if that's approachable for you, firefly pose and bhujapidasana, crow pose, tripod headstand, handstand and more. This is an all-over feel good flow with an emphasis on hip-opening and focus. Enjoy! (2 blocks may be helpful, along with a bolster or firm couch pillow :))
By Brent Laffoon on May 26, 2024
Sometimes you can do more than you think, other times you can't quite do as much as you hope. The important thing is simply to do the best you can. This practice aims to help you explore what might be possible for you today... Enjoy!
By Ally Hamilton on Apr 25, 2024
Join me for a full-body awakening flow with some fun twists and turns so you can practice for them off the mat as well ;) Plenty of hip, hamstring and shoulder opening along with core strengthening so we can play with arm balances like koundinyasana 1 and dwi pada, and inversions including tripod headstand and handstand variations. The theme is listening to your body and your intuition, the best guides when you're dealing with twists and turns!
By Kate Duyn on Mar 28, 2024
Get ready to get centered! Please grab two blocks and a blanket and give yourself an hour to explore strength in your center as we move, breathe and flow, play with arm balances including side crow and koundinyasana 2, and end with some funky and fun headstand variations for those of you with a solid headstand practice. Please note, if you have any neck issues going on today, save this practice for another day!
By Ally Hamilton on Feb 20, 2024
Oh hi friends! This is an all-over feel-good flow where we build some nice heat throughout. I even snuck in a little yogasculpt so please have two blocks handy! The hips, hamstrings and shoulders get lots of love. You'll find targeted core work as well. We will use the heat and the strong core to play with some twists, arm balances and inversions, including a step-by-step guide to tripod headstand if you're ready for it. Enjoy the heat, the fun, and the sweet rest at the end :)
By Dhaujee Rose on Jan 7, 2024
This offering is an invitation to find balance through a series of slow, blissful movements. Dhaujée moves you through standing, seated, arm and inverted balances, all while addressing balance in the breath and alignment to provide a strong foundation. Don't be afraid to wobble as you play and tip the scales!
By Dhaujee Rose on Dec 22, 2023
In this offering, Dhaujee guides us through a full yoga practice in only half the time. We get a little meditation, breath, balance, inversions and flow all in just 40 minutes. Set in an intention of warmth and softness, you'll build heat as you gently address all of the major muscle groups with this mindful movement. Enjoy!
By Ally Hamilton on Oct 27, 2023
A classic, 90-minute practice where we have the time to go deep. Grounding at the beginning of practice, breath work, and a steady mix of intensity alongside long holds throughout the practice. You'll experience sequences that raise your heart rate (think yoga sculpt) and sequences where we use the heat to deeply open, breathe and feel our feelings. There is core work and we do play with inversions. There are froggy hop drills you can practice at the wall. I really wanted to juxtapose grounding and flying throughout the practice so it becomes clear if you want to fly, you have to have a very strong foundation. Enjoy, yogis!
By Courtney Harms on Oct 27, 2023
This flow practice offers some of my favorite asanas that help us to really feel the balance of effort and ease in the practice. Challenge your entire body while focusing your mind, and experience grounding on a deeper level.