Yogis Anonymous

Blissful Backbends


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Published on February 22, 2021

If you're looking to deepen your backbend practice or understand backbends more deeply, look no further! We warm up the spine, open the shoulders, chest, upper back, quadriceps and hip flexors and play with all kinds of backbends! King Arthur makes an appearance, and you might find yourself in kapotasana or kapotasana prep! Regardless of where you end up, backbending practices have a unique energy! They are great for times when you need a boost of confidence, or are working with depression. There is such a shift in energy when you focus on opening the front body and leading with your heart! Enjoy yogis! (This is intermediate/advanced, but if you listen to your body and back off when you need to, intermediate practitioners will be fine :)) Enjoy, yogis!

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