Chanting 101
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Published on July 1, 2022
A simple chant to help calm and focus the mind, connect you with your highest purpose, and inspire you to move forward with clarity and vigor... enjoy!
Published on July 1, 2022
A simple chant to help calm and focus the mind, connect you with your highest purpose, and inspire you to move forward with clarity and vigor... enjoy!
By Brent Laffoon on Mar 3, 2025
Rainy days have their own vibes, don't they, friends? There's something cozy about being inside, on your mat, as the rain falls and your breath flows. This is a slow, sweet, stretchy practice that opens the shoulders, hips and hamstrings deeply, and really gives you the chance to feel your way into every moment. You might even walk away from your mat feeling a little sunshine in your heart. Two blocks and a strap may be helpful. Enjoy!
By Brent Laffoon on Feb 18, 2025
A little bit of breath, a little bit of movement, and a meditation on sukha (an authentic, lasting state of happiness, pleasure, ease, or joy) versus dukha (the "mind-stuff" that can cause us suffering, pain, stress and dis-ease when we ruminate too much on the things outside our control). There's a tendency to focus on our physical state, and forget that most of our lives are experienced through our mental and emotional states. Spend some time finding ease in your body, and sweet steadiness in your mind. You may find it helpful to prop a blanket or meditation cushion under your tailbone, or to sit up on a block.
By Brent Laffoon on Jan 30, 2025
This is a short, sweet yin practice and the focus is...flexibility. There are always new studies coming out, but the general consensus is static stretching - meaning holding a position - for roughly thirty seconds while breathing deeply, is the way. We're going to be looking for that edge, that place where there's a lot of good sensation to work with, but we are not experiencing pain. Let your breath be your guide - if it's hard to breathe deeply and consciously, you've probably gone too far. Stay in the zone where you can breathe, and enjoy this exploration of sweet flexibility, friends. 2 blocks and a strap may be helpful.
By Brent Laffoon on Jan 6, 2025
A classic power yoga practice designed to challenge both mind and body with a variety of deep core work, standing and arm balances and inversions... enjoy!
By Brent Laffoon on Dec 12, 2024
It's one thing to build core strength. It's another to learn how to engage your core in order to access the strength you've built. This practice will help you do exactly that. There's a little press handstand tutorial mixed in for those of you who want to work on that. You may just amaze yourself by what you're able to accomplish... enjoy!
By Brent Laffoon on Oct 31, 2024
A soothing, slow-paced practice to help you stay light and limber, with a bit of pranayama at the end to keep your mind calm and clear. Enjoy!
By Brent Laffoon on Oct 7, 2024
A short and sweet practice to get your mind and body warmed up and ready for action... enjoy! *Beginners' note: when we get to the option on the floor to have your foot on your inner thigh, or to sit on your heel, please keep your foot on your inner thigh :)
By Brent Laffoon on Aug 29, 2024
A medium intensity practice to help you build core strength and explore the range of motion of your hips and hamstrings. Enjoy!
By Brent Laffoon on Jun 27, 2024
If you're in need of a bit of recharging and restoration, this practice is just what the doctor ordered. With a little bit of core activation and some nice hip, hamstring and shoulder opening, you will be sure to come away from this one feeling rejuvenated and ready for whatever life throws your way... Enjoy!
By Brent Laffoon on May 26, 2024
Sometimes you can do more than you think, other times you can't quite do as much as you hope. The important thing is simply to do the best you can. This practice aims to help you explore what might be possible for you today... Enjoy!
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