Yogis Anonymous

Healthy Hips & Knees


Preview: Healthy Hips & Knees

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Published on February 21, 2018

If you want happy knees, it's essential to have strong and supple hips - among other things! This session spends a LOT of time standing on your knees. You may find that a blanket under the knees creates enough cushion for you. Or, you may have really tender knees and want to find a different class. (Stay tuned for more!) If you're still with me, you will be amazed by how much strength you build in hips/hamstrings by standing on your knees, and you may also be surprised to sense how much balance is required. The struggle is real! You'll have blocks handy to help you feel safe as you move in unfamiliar ways, and you'll get a nice hip-release series to finish for dessert!

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