Yogis Anonymous

Rx for Type A's


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Published on April 26, 2021

This is a Slow Flow/Deep Stretch class that's all about consciously deciding to slow down so we can feel more! If you are a Type A go, go, go kind of person, I relate! 30 years of yoga helps a lot, as do practices like these where we get really curious about the journey instead of racing toward the destination! This is also a great practice if you have a moderate amount of energy but really want to open deeply, or if you are practicing toward the end of the day and want to help your nervous system relax and release. We do work and you will sweat, we just work slowly and steadily. You can expect to open your shoulders and upper back, strengthen your core, target hip and hamstring opening (hello bowing goddess and revolved half frog and frog pose!) and breathe deeply throughout. Enjoy, yogis!

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