Yogis Anonymous

Present Moment Flow


Preview: Present Moment Flow

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Published on September 25, 2021

The theme of this class is present-moment awareness! How present are you feeling in your life from day-to-day? Do you feel like you're sucking the juice out of life? Are you able to be present with your own feelings and truly know yourself? When you eat, are you tasting your food? When you're in a conversation, are you listening, or waiting for your turn to speak? This practice will help! We move mindfully, and as we make shapes I will gently remind you to observe how these shapes feel in your body as you breathe. Set the intention to stay curious! If you can do this for yourself, you'll be able to do it for other people, too! It's such a gift to be able to listen deeply and respond with presence, awareness, love and patience.

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