Yogis Anonymous

Jamie's is a life of movement. From a childhood in dance, to an education and career in the arts, Jamie's pursuits embody motion. In her twelth year as a yoga teacher, she works to develop a style focused on breath, alignment and safety.

Jamie travels domestically and internationally working with yoga studios, movement professionals and students alike. In addition to her own series of wo...

Jamie's Latest Classes

  • 22 minutes

    Standing Side Poses

    By Jamie Elmer on Feb 2, 2017

    General Beginner

    Side standing poses are greatly beneficial for strengthening and opening. How we practice these poses determines whether these poses are helpful and healing or not so much. Today, in this short practice, you'll learn how to practice warrior 2, extended side angle, triangle and half moon so that these poses are helpful, strengthening and truly beneficial for your lower back, SI joints and hips!

  • 46 minutes

    Rx for Lower Back Health

    By Jamie Elmer on Oct 8, 2015

    Gentle Yoga Intermediate

    Although I'm an anatomy based, technique based teacher, the reality is, what works for us one day may not work for us the next. This practice is me sharing with you what has been working for me lately to remedy low back strain. It involves abdominal strengthening, hip opening and twisting. Try it out. See if it works for you!

  • 52 minutes

    Learning/Practicing Warrior 1

    By Jamie Elmer on Aug 4, 2015

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    In this slow flow practice, you'll first learn the basic alignment principles of Warrior 1. Then, you'll practice these principles in a flow class. Warrior 1 is such a great pose for so many reasons, but if not aligned correctly, can cause harm to your knees, hips and lower back. Learn the basics of this healing posture and apply them in every class you take!

  • 11 minutes

    Breathing For Spinal Health

    By Jamie Elmer on Oct 17, 2014

    Hatha Intermediate

    How we breathe greatly influences the health and stability of our spine. In this short tutorial you'll learn how to breathe in order to lengthen your spine, relieve discomfort associated with spinal compression, and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Breathe easy, yogis!

  • 28 minutes

    No Vinyasa!

    By Jamie Elmer on Oct 6, 2014

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    This flow practice gives you the benefits of Vinyasa Flow Yoga, without strain on the wrists, shoulders, neck and lower back. We'll open the thighs and hamstrings with a series of lunges and Warrior I, work on balance and gain the benefits of back bending through standing camel pose. Great for people with carpal tunnel syndrome, rotator cuff injuries, or current low-back pain.

  • 37 minutes

    No Vinyasas!

    By Jamie Elmer on Jul 14, 2014

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    Receive the benefits of flow yoga, with zero strain on your lower back, wrists, neck and shoulders! This practice emphasizes breath and moving slowly for better balance. Leg strength is gained through warrior poses, crescent variations and standing poses.

  • 36 minutes

    No Vinyasas!

    By Jamie Elmer on Jul 14, 2014

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    Receive the benefits of flow yoga, with zero strain on your lower back, wrists, neck and shoulders. This practice emphasizes breath and moving slowly for better balance. Leg strength and hip opening is gained through the emphasis of warrior 2 and extended side angle. This strengthening, slow flow practice is wrapped up with bridge pose and abdominal strengthening.

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