Yogis Anonymous

Lefkada Love Anytime


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Published on April 15, 2023

Friends, I shot this class on the last day of my retreat to Lefkada, Greece! It was an impromptu shoot on my phone and there's ambient noise, but I am hoping with all my heart that the magic of this place travels through the airwaves to meet you right where you are! I am still buzzing from this retreat, from this place, and from those of you who traveled across the globe to practice with me and share this adventure! Cannot WAIT for the next one! This is an all-levels 16-minute re-centering quickie perfect for any time you feel like your thoughts are racing and you need some conscious breathing, opening and grounding! We use sensation to get centered, and then encourage nice spinal energizing and mobility with seated cat-cow variations, eagle arms and extra shoulder, chest and upper back love, seated twists, forward folds, hip and hamstring releasing and a fair amount of breath-work! I hope whatever time of day you do this, you re-enter your space with more inspiration, motivation and a touch of Lefkada in your heart!

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