Yogis Anonymous

Leah Kim graduated from UCLA with a degree in Economics, but it wasn't long before she realized her life would be much better spent on the mat than in a cubicle. Leah had the privilege of regularly practicing with many internationally recognized teachers, most notably Bryan Kest, Ally Hamilton, and Erich Schiffmann, while living for nearly a decade in the modern-day yoga mecca of Santa Monica. This is where she built her teaching foundation and turned her heart's passion into a professional reality.

During the summer of 2007, Leah moved halfway across the globe to Hong Kong on an intuitive whim, and taught at Pure Yoga, the most well-known yoga studio chain in Asia. Leah has also traveled to several different countries to teach and present at conferences.

Since the spring of 2009, Leah has been Nike's Global Yoga Ambassador and Master Trainer. She leads trainings and events around the world and designs yoga programs for Nike, most recently for the Nike Training Club app, which has millions of users and a strong cult following.

Leah is also sponsored by Jade Yoga, yogitoes, and VitaCoco.

Now based in London, Leah brings years of dedicated practice, study, and training to her teaching, rooting into the traditional foundation of yoga, but also incorporating a contemporary understanding and integration into the truth of each individual today. She honors all the layers of the practice, through which you can open into your infinite potentiality, physical and otherwise. She teaches the physical postures as a way to stay vibrant, healthy, and well, and her style is Vinyasa Flow.

Leah's Latest Classes

  • 33 minutes

    Hips and Spine Part 1

    By Leah Kim on Aug 5, 2013

    Yin Intermediate

    Part 1 of a 2-part short yin sequence series. You can practice this alone or together with Part 2 for a full 50-min stretchy practice. We focus on releasing the hips and the spine, with symmetrical poses including Balasana, Uttanasana, and Malasana, and lunges and a juicy long hold in Pigeon. Will leave you feeling nice and spacious.

  • 22 minutes

    Reclined Postures Part 2

    By Leah Kim on Aug 5, 2013

    Yin Intermediate

    Part 2 of a 2-part short yin sequence series. You can practice this alone or together with Part 1 for a full 50-min stretchy practice. This practice is done entirely on your back - yay! A perfect quickie for days when you have less energy. A big focus on the hips and thighs, including a monster quad stretch option, closed off with a twist. Take some extra time in Savasana if you can!

  • 90 minutes

    Ride the heat wave!

    By Leah Kim on Aug 9, 2012

    Vinyasa Flow Advanced

    This 2/3 class was a sweaty one, right in line with the current heat wave in Santa Monica. A classic Surya A followed by a core & side plank infused Surya B. We talked about relieving the neck and shoulders of the extraneous work they often try to do. Lots of opportunity to stand on your hands and forearms. Hip & heart-opening of course. At least one philosophical moment to ponder: How DO I link my intention to promote world peace to this moment in this particular asana? Anapana meditation to finish off the practice.

  • 90 minutes

    Quads Anyone?

    By Leah Kim on Aug 7, 2012

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    Tonight we focused on two major root chakra areas of the body - the quads and the hips. We started with a pretty traditional flow of Surya A & B with plenty of options to balance on the hands and invert. Twists were encouraged to be initiated through the core and spine whilst maintaining a neutral pelvis. Lots of moments to be creative within the practice, as well as chats about the yoga rite of passage of face-planting. A pretty good balance of one-legged balancing poses as well as knee-down poses. Moving into the quads and the hips can be a bit confrontational, but you will feel lighter once you have gone through it. And we all agree that Pigeon in any of its forms is good stuff!

  • 90 minutes

    Big Toe Love!

    By Leah Kim on Aug 6, 2012

    Vinyasa Flow Intermediate

    We started by building heat within the framework of Surya A & B, with some variations and arm balance options. Lots of forward folding to open up to that inner quiet. Big toe standing balancing poses down to half lotus squats. Hips and heart opening and (wicked!) inversion time of course, as well as your requests to open up the shoulders and IT band. Optional peak pose of Full Vasisthasana. Some breathwork including Horse, Lion and Bhramari Breaths. Should leave you feeling pretty calm and open.

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