Yogis Anonymous

Yoga for Busy Moms

If you want to nurture the people closest to you, you have to take care of yourself! It’s easy to sacrifice self-care and think we’re being selfless, but the truth is, if our tanks our running on empty, we don’t show up as our best selves for anyone! Join Ally, a busy mom herself, and see how much better you feel when you carve out a little time in your day that’s just for you. These classes are short, thorough and deep. Strengthen your core, shoulders and upper back so that lifting your littles is not an issue. Open your heart so you can give and receive love to the utmost. Open your hips so you don’t end up “sitting on” anything that isn’t going to serve you. Quiet your mind, tune into your breath, and connect to that deepest, truest part of yourself. Then, go ahead and share it.