Yogis Anonymous

A former UCLA gymnast, Joe brings 18 years experience as an athlete as well as a natural creativity to the practice. Having worked through various difficulties and injuries in gymnastics, he believes that when it comes to our practice balance on and off the mat is key. By intuitively listening to our bodies, knowing when to strengthen and when to soften, practicing consistently and eating mindfully, we maintain a healthy bodymind relationship and ultimately become what we practice.  Joe is grateful to have studied with a diverse mix of teachers over the past 18 years including teacher trainings with John Friend (Anusara) and Saul David Raye, as well as an Advanced 500 Hour Life of a Yogi TT with Sri Dharma Mittra in NYC in 2014. He also spent a life changing month in Mysore, India in 2009 studying with K. Pattabhi Jois, the founder of Ashtanga, and two joyous years with Sifu Richard Tsim in Long Beach mastering Ba Qua Tai Chi and Qi Gong.  The beginning of a journey that took him down a path of least resistance.  A native of Oklahoma with mixed Vietnamese ancestry, Joe brings a fun-spirited, light hearted, rejuvenating yin and yang flow to all of his classes. In each, he takes you through a subtle body moving meditation while also exploring the healing, purifying nature of pranayama, meditation, sound and kriya (purifying) techniques.  When not teaching in LA, Joe can be found leading Yoga Chi Flow Classes, Inversions, and Traditional Thai Yoga Therapy Workshops and Retreats & Teacher Trainings/ volunteering throughout the world.   Water Day to day, hour to hour, moment to moment may you live you life like water, always flowing, always breathing, taking the path of least resistance. Cherish the calm waters and moments of soft tranquility as you would a gentle caress or soft loving embrace. Yet when chasing a dream or undergoing rocky currents, may you rise to the challenge and step up to your inner strength, courage and power and flow like the majestic, awe inspiring waterfall! Do not shy away. Realize that water although fluid, liquid, and healing in nature can also move mountains. So my friend whether you move quickly, softly, powerfully or gently may you breathe and flow with the divine currents of grace and live your life like water. ~ Joe Love "The Journey to the Self is the Journey to the Soul." ~ Joe Love

Joe's Latest Classes

  • 47 minutes

    Yoga Chi: Water

    By Joe Love on Jan 10, 2021

    Yin Beginner

    A light-hearted, rejuvenating yin flow incorporating stationary Qi Gong and standing balance exercises followed by sun salutations combining Tai Chi movements. In this class, Joe takes you through a balanced subtle body moving meditation while also exploring the healing, purifying nature of pranayama and sound. Here the softness is the strength. Perfect class on its own or as a restorative class on a rest day in between physically demanding flow classes.

  • 45 minutes

    Yoga Chi

    By Joe Love on Dec 21, 2020

    Yin Beginner

    A light-hearted, rejuvenating yin flow incorporating stationary Qi Gong and standing balance exercises followed by sun salutations combining Tai Chi movements. In each, Joe takes you through a balanced subtle body moving meditation while also exploring the healing, purifying nature of pranayama, meditation, sound and kriya (purifying) techniques. Here the softness is the strength. Perfect class on its own or as a restorative class on a rest day in between physically demanding flow classes.

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