Yogis Anonymous

The Yoga of Letting Go


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Published on November 7, 2013

A sequence designed to support letting go and releasing. Sometimes we cling to ideas, ways of being, or a picture of how we think life should look. The clinging causes the suffering. Sometimes the story isn't going to unfold the way we'd hoped or planned. Your strength and your power rest in your ability to face reality as it is. To loosen your grip, to allow the truth of your situation to rise to the surface. Too often, when certain realities challenge our plans we hold things in and push them down. The result is that we feel depleted and exhausted. Denial, numbing out, and running from pain never work. Breathe it all in, and let it all out. Open up your "side-body" (you don't need any thorns in your side after all), and your hips (where we tend to store the things we're "sitting on"). Breathe deeply and consciously. You can't receive if your fists are clenched. Sending love, Ally Hamilton

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