Yogis Anonymous

Dragonflies, Flying Pigeons


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Published on August 5, 2016

Today's flow is all about the opening the hips in preparation for two amazing arm balances: flying pigeon and dragonfly. What to expect: Sukhasana, Twisted Sukhasana to soften the outer hips and then seated pigeon and tabletop pigeon to continue making space. Next up is surya C that includes low lunge, low lunge with a twist and low lunge w/quad opening. Crow pose, tripod headstand to crow, frog navasanas, Malasana, crescent, warrior 2, triangle, pigeon push-ups, pigeon, twisted pigeon, King pigeon, twisted funky chair, dragonfly, supine flying pigeon, flying pigeon, tripod headstand to flying pigeon, a supine twist, resting Paschimottanasana and a sweet savasana.

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